Tuesday 8 March 2011

Not a design but a part of my life!

Meet Winnie the Pooh, hes 33 years old and hes been well loved by my brotherand me.  Now he may not be all that to look at to you but to me hes the silent friend in my life.  My god if this bear could talk id of been killed countless times by people ive bitched or cried about.
Hes been bitten, squeezed, hurled accross the room, squashed down the side of the bed, clawed by cats.  Hes gone on countless holidays both in the UK (were he was with me on the back seat) and abroad (were he was in my hand luggage just incase we crashed! morbid i know!)
You go through so many changes in life and so many friendships its good to know il always have my Pooh!
He doesnt mind if he gets most of his loving when im feeling ill or heart broken or head fucked or generally upset with life. ( Just to clarify he does get loving when im happy to!)  Hes just happy to be in my arms and always in my heart!
But fuck me if they ever made a machine which made unanamous objects come to life (or he turned in to SuperTed!) Id be well buggared!
He may be 33 years old falling to pieces and blind but nothing and no one will ever come between me and my Winnie the Pooh!